Discover why your current role is holding you back from your full potential...
Identify your perfect career path...
Learn the three secrets you need to know to land that perfect job!
Understand the importance of the unique process
WHY – define your clear purpose to create energy
WHAT – identify your clear career path
HOW – set up a clear staged plan to get there
NOW – develop belief and self-confidence
A bit about Miles
Having successfully secured senior roles across a broad range of industries and well known blue chip companies over a 15 year period...
Miles re-invented himself as a professional career coach.
He now coaches others through the carefully considered process he followed to both develop and carefully transform their careers to create greater fulfilment, energy and passion through the process.
What clients say
I am mid-transition and making positive progress all the time towards the long term goal.
It wasn’t until I went through the Breakthrough program that it all came together for me. Really recommend.
- Matthew C
It has been instrumental in changes I have made to improve both my family life and my business.
Working with Miles gave me the positive belief needed to move things forward in a constructive way.
- Tom B
It definitely gave me the answer.
I took onboard all the points we discussed and I see what I have to do now. The course helped me find the characteristics
of the role I actually need.
Thank you so much.
– Duncan G
It has been fun and the results have been great
It has made it possible to cut out the noise and doubt and focus on the actions I need to be taking to move everything forward with less procrastination.
- Richard S
Can't thank you enough!
The coaching has been a great help to me when I was in the middle of career change. Miles helped me through a confidence crisis & offered a lot of wisdom. He's super perceptive, empathetic & very relatable!
- Jennifer M